Mmmm health.
1.23.2009 by Kerrie
So I've made the decision that I'm not as healthy as I could be. So now is the time to fix that! The nurse at the doctor's office the other day was so kind to tell me how much I weighed the last time I was there. (I don't know why anyone would do that.) And I wasn't happy. I didn't gain a lot of weight, but I did gain some. And that's not cool with Kerrie.
So! My steps are as follows:
Starting yoga with Rose next week. (Hopefully will be weekly, or as regular as we can make it.)
Joined Weight Watchers Online.
Find a way to be active while still being able to breathe!
WW Online seems cool so far. I don't think it'll be that hard to maintain, either. The website is full of recipes, which thrills me and Mike because he loves to cook, and I love to watch in awe. Plus, we're always having a hard time trying to figure out what to have for dinner. So this will help that situation quite a bit.
Tonight we found a recipe and made it. It was delicious. It was a pretty simple pesto pasta, and Mike cooked part of a steak for me as well. So yummy. :-D (I don't have quite the food photography skills of the Smitten Kitchen people. Oh well.)
I also want to try to wake up earlier than I usually do... as to help my body not freak out when I get less than 10 hours of sleep. (Seriously.) I'm not talking crazy early. Just... not noon or after. Then maybe with some extra time in the mornings I can do crunches or whatever it is that people who exercise do. (I should figure that out.)
That's about all on that for now. I'm looking forward to some positive changes.
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